<aside> ✅ Elevate your smart accounts with our smarter plugin marketplace


Modular smart accounts are revolutionary solutions that will help onboard the next wave of Web3 users. Similar to how a smartphone operating system allows users to add functionalities with apps, smart accounts will allow to add features with plugins. But what the current smart accounts don’t have is a secure, trusted app store similar to the Google Play store or Apple App Store available by default for our smartphones.

ZenGuarden precisely tries to overcome these challenges.

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ZenGuarden proposes a secure plugin/ extension marketplace that will allow smart account users to easily find and add trusted audited plugins to their smart contracts after onchain verification. It will also give a streamlined experience for developers to build and publish plugins with our ZenGuarden web console. Third-party audit services can find a place to target their auditing service and earn reputations that can be verified onchain by the marketplace.

Our marketplace protocol leverages the existing Safe accounts and Safe Core Protocol as shown here

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Have a look at the ZenGuarden in action👀


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